walking barefoot
Have you ever wondered why we take off our footwear before entering any of the pious and religious place? Is it a mark of respect that we want to show there? Or is it that we don’t want to carry the dirt and the germs our footwear may be carrying?
The reason to walk barefoot in the vicinity of temples and other religious places is beyond this. Of course, in India taking out shoes is also a mark of respect, but there is a scientific concept hidden behind this practice which our ancient seers had discovered. However they knew that it may not be possible to walk barefoot for everyone all the time, so they made it a rule to walk barefoot when we are in the temples or such religious places.
Science behind walking barefoot:
We all are aware that there are multiple pressure points in our feet, which gets stimulated when we walk. There are high concentration of nerve endings in our sole. As we all know, nerve tissues are electrically conductive which in turn makes the human body highly conductive. So literally humans are like a walking talking battery.
Earth is a natural reservoir of electric energy. When a person with excessive negative energy or negative charge walks on the ground the excess of it will be absorbed by the earth. Likewise, if a person has an excess of positive charge, it too gets transferred to the earth. In this way a state of homeostasis is maintained in our body.
This procedure of walking barefoot is also known as earthing or grounding.
Benefits of walking barefoot: Here are some benefits which can be derived from walking barefoot daily.
- Walking barefoot helps us to increase the bodily energy through improved blood flow and blood pressure.
- It produces a lot of positive energy in the body. The nerves on the feet are connected to the eyes, liver, stomach, lungs, kidney and brain. So while walking barefoot all these organs also get affected by the energy flow. This helps in improving the health of the organs.
- Walking barefoot in the morning exposes us to the morning sunlight which gives vitamin D. This helps making the bones strong.
- Walking barefoot gently on grasss helps relieve inflammation.
- It also helps improving in sleep pattern.
- Earthing increases the surface charge of the Red Blood Cells. As a result cells avoid clumbing which dercreases blood viscosity.
- Earthing calms the sympathetic nervous system and helps to balance with the autonomic nervous system.
- This in turn helps in improving the heart rate.
- Walking barefoot helps in reducing stress.
Some points to keep in mind while walking barefoot:
- Check the temperature of the ground. It should not be very hot as walking on hot ground can cause blisters.
- The area you walk should be clean and devoid of garbage and junk.
- Preferably walk barefoot in the morning hours when the ground is cool and the morning dews are adorning the grass.
Walking barefoot above all helps improve our immune system as we come is direct contact with different microorganisms. Walking barefoot has innumerable advantages to offer and lots of health benefits. So keep aside your comfortable fancy shoes on side for some time during the day and connect with Mother Earth, walk barefoot.