I'm on my way...

The leaves crumbled under my feet,
as I crossed the street.

The wind blew caressing my hair,
while I inhaled the love in the air.

Today is the day I'll meet my sweetheart...
For many years we had been apart.

The soft rays of the sun blessed my way...
as I thought of all the things I had to say!

With excitement in my gait,
I just couldn't wait...

When in front of me my sweetheart be.
But lo! How she looks? I'll never be able to see...

But, love is blind, so they say...
Sweetheart, I'm on my way!


Here is the picture behind this write up given by Momspresso for its bloggers to put up a 100 word story/poem...

The crisp blue jeans. The black well ironed coat and the smart snickers. This conjures up a picture of a man in a happy state of mind. The probing cane which he is holds adds smartness to his gait. The early hour of the day, where the leaves are still strewn on the pavement, waiting to be gathered by the street sweeper he walks with his confident strides.

Apparently when we read this poem, what comes to our mind is a blind man walking down the street to meet someone.

But there is something more to it! 
Some more meaning than just what is perceived apparently...

Yes! You can scroll up and read it again to find it out.

So, did you get it? 
If yes. Bravo!! 

If no, don't worry I am still here :)

To understand my perspective you will have to stretch a little... expand a little... don't worry it will not stretch your white and grey mater too much!

Here we go...

The person walking is us, humans or we can all it 'the Self.'
The Self is blind. 
It has been bestowed with everything, everything which is required for sustenance, yet the Self cannot see that. However the Self in its core wants to be acknowledged and loved. It knows that somewhere someone is there for him. And that someone somewhere is its sweetheart.

Now, who is this sweetheart? 
Who is ready to accept someone who is handicapped, by vision in this case. Who is waiting for the Self's arrival and ready to embrace him despite of all its flaws.

The sweetheart here is the Divine, the Supreme Being, the all pervasive super power who dwell in every atom and every cell of all that exists in the universe!

The Self is marching confidently towards the Divine, to unite with the Supreme consciousness. The Self had always been full of gratitude and been thankful and expresses this by feeling grateful for small things like the sweet air he breathes and the sunshine he bathes in!

The Self is aware and knows about its flaws. It knows that it is blind, it is very much aware of the weaknesses it carries. But  the Self is assured that like how he has never seen his sweetheart, the Divine, yet he is ready to embrace its love, similarly the Divine will ignore and forgive all his flaws and merge with him!

And Self walks confidently...

The Self is on the way...


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