Every leaf that fell...

Every Leaf That Fell...

Every leaf that fell
Had a story to tell…

Barren stood the tree.
Appalling, yet in glee.
Standing tall on ground,
Where felons did hound.
Caliginous mist,
With its trunk did twist.
Wrapping it upside down
Frisking boughs around.

‘Don’t go there,
haunted is the very air.
Those trees… that mist surround,
will devour thee, making no sound.’

I heard them say.
The trees... looking for prey!

Alluring with sweet sound,
Spreading sugary aroma around.
They beckoned to the trap,
And gulped the innocent chap!

A leave that fell without sound,
Hummed a song.
When I wasn’t found...
For long!


pic courtesy: Annie Spratt


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