My India, my Gods

India is blessed with umpteen gods and goddesses. Just like a single ray of light passing through the prism splits into different colours our gods are the manifestation of the same Divine energy. One divinity is expressed as different energies. We just give them different names.

 It is my India, that gave me the eyes to see my God in everything that falls before my inquisitive self. For my gods are omnipresent, in light as well as in darkness, in sound as well as in silence.

 My land that has been blessed with saints and seers from north to South, who have revived the wisdom and shown us the path to connect to the Divine. Divine, that is in every form. It is one and yet expressed in so many ways, through so many philosophies and they all reconnect us to that One Absolute. Their energy emerges sometimes through the songs of birds, sometimes through the chanting of mantras.

Just like how I nurture my babies, I nurture my Gods. I pamper them. I give my gods the best that I can. And the best of the best that I can offer is to bring a smile not only to the face but also to the soul. And that, my friends, happens when I make a person realise the presence of the Holy Master whose consciousness has been so refined that God and Goddesses serve at his behest.

My God lives in every story I read... Fiction, non fiction. He moves around in space like the air, yet present in emptiness too. Like a character from Harry Potter, he just conjures up out of nowhere and is present beside all those who remember him in their hearts. He fills hearts with love and longings. Such is his presence that even a man lying on death bed is infused with his high energy. 

For the Gods in me are but the manifestation of my higher self. Just like the onion rings... I keep pealing off the concepts of good and bad in me. I shed it all... And one day, when all the layers have gone, probably I will see the empty space that is the God in me.

You cannot escape my God. Especially when you work with clarity in mind and sincerity in action. He will stand tall like a pillar and not let you fall, come what may.

That is what my India taught me. The ancient traditions of the Holy Masters who have kept the torch of knowledge burning since aeons.

Surrendering to the lotus feet of Holy Masters, whom in India with reverence we call Guru, our consciousness blossoms. In their presence, a realm of eternal wonder is evolved. The quest drops like the autumn leaves, unfolding the door of pure consciousness. 

It sounds like fiction, some sweet dream maybe but believe me, it is a fact. A fact that we are unaware of. A sweet reality that fills us with hope that God is not up there who will get angry if we don't do certain things the way it has been told. No! God is our child and sometimes we make mistakes bringing up children. It is a lesson for us to learn from the mistakes. To learn, evolve and move ahead.

Amidst the tapestry of stories told and untold, I see that my God lives in me as me. My God lives in you as you. My God whose form is that of consciousness pervading all the moving and the non-moving.

अहम् ब्राह्मस्मी 

त्वम् ब्राह्मस्मी

चिद्रूपेण परिव्याप्तं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम्

And for this knowledge forever I am indebted to my India, 

Glossary :

 अहम् ब्राह्मस्मी : I am the Supreme Divine 

त्वम् ब्राह्मस्मी: You are the Supreme Divine 

चिद्रूपेण परिव्याप्तं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम् : Whose Form is that of Consciousness Pervading all the Moving and the Non-Moving


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