Hola Life
Hola Life
Hola Life,
It's me your friend... Lifestyle
I have followed you for aeons
From one generation to another and much beyond.
Changing my avatar
I have lived with you, dear Life
Walking hand in hand...
through different shores and sands.
I see you running all around
From jungle to town
From busy streets to lonely grounds
I see you...
I see how you have evolved
But sadly in that evolution
How mindfulness has dissolved.
Somewhere between those nights and days
A new lifestyle has made its way.
A new Lifestyle where convenience has crept
Like an ugly critter
Allowing you to have what you want and wither
To eat, sleep and drink mindlessly
Filling the gourmet with preservatives and pesticides
O, my dear Healthy Life, where do you now hide?
Exercise, yoga and pranayam have taken a back seat
Allowing unhealthy practices to grow like weed.
Many disorders have emerged dear Life in your timeline...
But wait!
Wait, it is not too late...
If we can change our habits and adopt some healthy ways
Definitely, you will see happier days...
I will tell you something called 'reversing'
Yes, you heard it right!
Following the routine of ancient style
Like our ancient people who did not have machines and cars
But much aligned to nature was their routine and hour...
Waking up to the first light of the sun
Having fresh fruits and vegetables sans bun.
You can correct your days
Adopting some natural ways
some physical exercise and change in dietary plan
some natural approach to wellness in this lifespan.
Which can save you from hazardous drugs
And allow you to give yourself a healthy hug!
Life you are so precious and divine
Let us together bring positive changes
through means that are strong yet sublime.
Recognising the role of reversing lifestyle disorder
We can make our lifetime more purposeful and broader.
Shristee Singh