Vindicta Domina

Vindicta Domina 


Calpurnia lamented

When lay Ceaser on death bed.

“Oh Brutus! Traitor in disguise

Because of thee, on floor the first man of Rome lies.

Ceaser my love, in reprisal Rome shall rise,

Revenge shall beget each and every eyes.”


Night fell, dark and gloom

Tempest roared, calling for doom.

Drops of sorrow filled her lugubrious eyes,

As sordid wind swelled in skies.

Into the woods she made her way,

Where a wizard, in a dark den stayed.


“I call upon thee, who shows light in darkest nights,

Hear Calpurnia wailing, give ear to her plights.”


“My lady, I know what brings thee here,

O braveheart, who crossed the terrain tenebrous sans fear.

This wizard wise is now thy slave, for valor displayed by you.

I’ll bestow upon thee powers, you never knew.”


In the darkness of the perilous night,

He uttered words loaded with light.

‘Go Calpurnia, my spells shall shield thee.

Go… make your enemies bend on knees.’

A bleak ray of light from east filled the air.

Calpurnia rode, as revenge in her heart did flare.


Betrayal had taken the love of her life away,

Beware conspirators, now in Rome a battle shall sway.

With the advent of a new day,

Towards the Senate, she made her way.

The nobles of Rome turned cold,

When they saw Calpurnia in a guise bold.


“Behold conspirators here I come…

Avenging Ceaser, whose absence makes my life glum.

Brutus, I challenge thee for a duel,

Face my gladius, that shines like jewel.

Thou traitor, who betrays trust,

I shall make thee return to dust.

Turf shall sip thy gore tonight

Thou caitiff, if you have guts, come fight.”


With bellicosity Calpurnia roared…

Antonius by her side, a cohort poured.

Thunder raged in heavens, forecasting storm,

Tiber became untamed, taking monstrous form.

Swords clattered in the boulevards of Rome.

Vengeance… echoed every wall, every dome.


In the cockle of her heart, love for Ceaser echoed.

Spelling doom for culprits, her lips bellowed.

Charging the nemesis she went ahead,

Her eyes seething with fury, revenge said.

Never had Rome seen such a day…

When a lady vehemently charged her prey!

Justice for Ceaser reverberated Rome,

As vindicta Domina was hell-bent,

 To bring justice home.



By: Shristee Singh 

published in Literary journal Chrysanthemum Chronicles July 2021
























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