The Enchanted Flower

 Indian Summer in Verses 

Indian summers in poetry is the most delightful book!!

Feel the Indian summer nostalgia 


When our every action becomes sacred, you have become one with the Divine. So; every minute of your life, every act of yours, every place you go is sacred and every person you meet is only a reflection of you. 

Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

                                                    The Enchanted Flower 

The Enchanted Flower 

There was a floret
Floating in a murky pond,
Like an enchantress it stood
Fastened on a wand
It burst open with bliss splendour,
When first ray of light fell
Kissing its petals tender.

On sweltering summer days
Radiating its glory without sigh,
Spreading its radiance,
It floated under blazing sky.
Shallow water simmered
As torridity led, all took shelter in shade,
But the enchanted flower skimmed
On its oval jade.

Thy beauty... O!Enchantress
Can be deciphered by all
Being detached, your buds bloom.
You blossom, rising above gloom.

O! Venerated floret of divine,
With Lakshmi, Durga 'n' Saraswati thou twine.
Brahma's seat thou are,
The one with acumen without par

When opens thy thousand petals in a heart pure,
All sins and karma are purged for sure.
Through fervour austerity, thou bloom in hearts.
From ascetic, thy charm never departs!

Shristee Singh 

Published in 2020

Compiled & Edited by Monalisa Joshi 
Writersgram Publications, New Delhi 


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